What are Braces?
Dental braces are a way of straightening or moving your teeth, to improve how they look and how they work. Braces can also help you look after the long-term health of your teeth and gums and make eating more comfortable, by spreading the biting pressure across all your teeth.
Braces work by putting pressure on the teeth, to slowly move them in the right direction. As the pressure takes effect, the bone in the jaw changes to allow the teeth and their roots to move.
Who usually has orthodontic treatment and wears braces?
The best time to have braces is generally during childhood. But adults can have orthodontic treatment too – and more and more are doing this. Age is less important than having healthy teeth and gums. Children may have to wait for enough teeth to come through before starting treatment.
It is important that your mouth is fit and healthy before you have orthodontic treatment. Some patients can’t have orthodontic treatment – for example, if they have advanced gum disease. Only an orthodontist can decide whether you are able to have orthodontics
Why might you need braces?
There are many reasons why you might want, or be advised, to have braces.
Some of the most common reasons are:
- overcrowded or crooked teeth
- not enough, or too much, spacing between your teeth
- upper front teeth that stick out (called an ‘overjet’)
- lower teeth that bite too far behind your upper teeth (called an ‘overbite’)
- upper front teeth that bite behind your lower ones (called an ‘underbite’)
- the appearance of your smile
What is it like to wear braces?
Most braces are made of metal, but some are made of ceramic or plastic. They are designed to be comfortable, but they may rub your mouth or make it feel sore. Also, your teeth may feel tender or sore as they start to move.
These issues don’t usually last long (a few days at most). They may happen at the start of your treatment or when your brace has been adjusted.
Your braces may feel large in your mouth at first, but it is important to remember that your mouth will adapt and get used to them. They are there to guide your teeth into a new and proper position, but they will only do this if you keep wearing them.
This depends on how out-of-position your teeth are. It may take anything from a few months to two-and-a-half years. In most scenarios, most people can be treated in less than one to two years.
Do you need to keep seeing our orthodontic team during treatment?
Yes. Everyone will have their own plan tailored to them by our orthodontic team, and braces usually need adjusting every 6 to 8 weeks.
To get the best results possible, you will need regular appointments with our orthodontist. They will check your brace and teeth, and make adjustments to the brace if they need to.
Are straight teeth the only benefit of getting braces?
No, there are many benefits that come with orthodontic treatment.
- Orthodontic treatment will straighten your teeth or move them into a better position. This not only improves their appearance and the way the teeth bite together but can also make them easier to clean.
- Some people have teeth that stick out. These teeth can be moved back into line (inside the lips) and this can protect them and help keep them clean.
- Crooked and crowded teeth can be hard to keep clean. Making them straight can mean they are easier to clean.
- Teeth that do not meet properly can wear down over time. This can change their appearance.
- Awkward ‘bites’ often cause jaw problems, but straight and even teeth will let you chew food more comfortably. If you feel you have a jaw ache, please ask a dental professional for advice. There may be other issues that need to be put right. Only a dentist or orthodontist will be able to give you advice about this.
- Orthodontic treatment may be the best way to improve your teeth. But it is important that you discuss all aspects of your treatment – and the possible and realistic outcomes – before starting.